Accreditation Journey Issue - April 2024

Our Accreditation Journey: Challenges to Success

April 1, 2024
Tamara Moyer
Dean of Allied Health and Nursing, Hocking College


Hocking College’s Nursing Program has a long-standing tradition of producing quality nurses to serve rural communities in Appalachia and surrounding areas. However, change is inevitable, and with change comes challenges. These changes and challenges resulted in individuals retiring or pursuing different paths. The instability of the program, coupled with heightened stress levels, created a challenging environment that fostered incivility among both staff and students. Concerns regarding the potential loss of accreditation further exacerbated anxiety among students, impacting their confidence in transferring credits or securing employment opportunities. Without a proper transition period, this led to a lack of understanding of accreditation processes and expectations within the program. Not comprehending the work involved or necessary to maintain an accredited status, the program began experiencing declining NCLEX pass rates, putting it at risk of losing accreditation.

New Leadership

Upon graduating from Liberty University with my Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), I was appointed as the Dean of Allied Health and Nursing, as well as the Nursing Program Manager at Hocking College. Recognizing the critical importance of securing accreditation and revitalizing the program, I immediately embarked on a mission to assess and address the existing challenges.

Before assuming my role, I understood that my primary objective was to save the program and ensure its long-term viability. To achieve this, I initiated a thorough review of accreditation reports, including Site Visit Reports and Self Study Reports, to gain insights into areas requiring development and to identify instances of non-compliance.

Subsequently, I delved deeper into the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) Standards and Criteria, meticulously analyzing them to provide clarity on the program's deficiencies and areas for improvement. Additionally, I undertook a comprehensive review of NCLEX performance reports to identify trends and areas for enhancement.

Recognizing the importance of empowering our team, I facilitated training sessions for staff and faculty on the accreditation process. This initiative aimed to ensure that everyone involved understood the requirements and contributed effectively to our accreditation efforts.

Furthermore, I actively pursued professional development opportunities and became a peer evaluator for the ACEN. This firsthand experience not only enhanced my understanding of the accreditation process but also provided valuable insights for guiding the program in the right direction.

In summary, through proactive leadership and strategic initiatives, we embarked on a journey of transformation aimed at safeguarding the program's future and ensuring its continued excellence in nursing education.

Navigating Accreditation Challenges

Assuming the position in July 2021, our program faced a critical juncture with a report due to the ACEN in August 2021, marking our final attempt to salvage accreditation. Understanding the urgency of the situation, prompt decisions and immediate implementation of changes were imperative. We swiftly mobilized to address the identified deficiencies, making strategic adjustments to align with accreditation standards.

By October 2021, our concerted efforts bore fruit as we were granted continuing accreditation with Good Cause. This provided us with a valuable opportunity to realign the program and demonstrate compliance with the Standards and Criteria over the next year.

My initial task extended beyond comprehending the accreditation process; it was essential to fully embrace it. Furthermore, I recognized the importance of educating my team on the significance of accreditation and the specific steps required to rescue the program. Through collaborative efforts, we fostered a culture of accountability and commitment among our team members. Their unwavering dedication and diligent work towards our common goal were instrumental in our success.

In addition to providing education and support, we ensured open lines of communication and encouraged transparency throughout the process. Together, we navigated the accreditation challenges with resilience and determination, setting the stage for a renewed commitment to excellence in nursing education.

Steps to Success

Since then, our program has undergone significant improvements. We have meticulously revised the curriculum, aligning it with program outcomes to ensure relevance and effectiveness. Additionally, we have implemented purposeful evaluation methods to continuously assess student progress and identify areas for improvement.

These efforts have yielded remarkable results, with a 100% first-time pass rate for our last five graduating cohorts and a 100% annual pass rate in 2023. These achievements are a testament to the dedication and hard work of our faculty, staff, and students.

In line with the ACEN's mission of supporting nurse education and ensuring quality delivery, their guidance and support have been invaluable throughout our journey. Their expertise and assistance have aided us in understanding and executing the accreditation process to the best of our ability.

According to a recent article by Nunn-Ellison et al. (2024), the accreditation process plays a crucial role in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring successful outcomes. This mirrors our experience at Hocking College’s Registered Nursing Program, where evaluating and implementing necessary changes have led to significant improvements in our program's quality and outcomes.


Tamara Moyer DNP, RN, CNE,CNEcl