

The ACEN accreditation of transition-to-practice programs is founded on the belief that accreditation contributes to the centrality of nursing for the public good and provides for the maintenance and enhancement of transitions that occur throughout the professional life of a nurse.

Accreditation, with an emphasis on continuous self-assessment, planning, and improvement, indicates to the general public and to the healthcare community that a transition-to-practice program has clear and appropriate objectives and is working to achieve these objectives. Emphasis is placed upon the total transition-to-practice program and its compliance with established standards and criteria in the context of its mission/philosophy as well as current and future nursing practice.

What is transition to practice?

Transition to practice is a critical time during which a nurse develops the skills and attitudes necessary for autonomous nursing practice within her or his level of licensure. Transitions in nursing practice occur when an individual completes a nursing education program and obtains initial or a new level of nursing licensure, when a practicing nurse transitions to a new nursing role/responsibilities at the same level of licensure, or when a nurse re-enters the workforce after an extended absence. Current research suggests that successful transitions to practice result in improved patient safety and a better quality of nursing care.

What is accreditation?

A peer-review, self-regulatory process by which non-governmental agencies recognize educational institutions or programs that have been found to meet or exceed standards and criteria for quality.

Why should a TTP program choose ACEN accreditation?

The ACEN is the leader in nursing accreditation. As the original and longest-serving nursing education accrediting agency, the ACEN is committed to quality improvement. ACEN policies, procedures, and processes are transparent, guided by peers and contemporary practice, and have an intentional focus on outcomes. The ACEN Transition-to-Practice Standards and Criteria for accreditation are not prescriptive and allow for flexibility of the program to meet the needs of the sponsoring organization and the community served. The ACEN is your supportive partner and works with you to ensure the highest level of program quality.